☐ High InventoryHigh Inventory is defined as products with quantity on hand greater than 200 pieces or three times the average daily sales of core sizes (Small - 2XL).
☑ Black (2) ☑ Forest Green (2) ☐ Gravel (2) ☐ Kelly Green (1) ☐ Maroon (2) ☐ Navy (2) ☐ Red (2) ☐ Royal (2) ☐ White (2)
PMS Search Blacks☐ All Blacks☑ BlackGreens☐ All Greens☑ Forest Green☐ Kelly GreenGreys☐ All Greys☐ GravelReds☐ All Reds☐ Maroon☐ RedBlues☐ All Blues☐ Navy☐ RoyalWhites☐ All Whites☐ White